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XVM is being developed by a small team of enthusiasts.
We spend our time and resources making regular updates and keeping the mod free.
Your support will help us with these goals.

XVM for World of Tanks 0.9.3

New release: XVM for World of Tanks 0.9.3.


  * fixed bug when xvm.xc is absent

  * many bugs fixed
  * macro {{gun-marks}} changed to {{marksOnGun}}, section "gunmarks" changed to "marksOnGun",
    option "allowGunMarksInPanelsAndMinimap" changed "allowMarksOnGunInPanelsAndMinimap"
    for unification
  * changed macro value: {{v.hitsRatio}} is in percents now
  * added macro {{v.c_hitsRatio}} and colors section "hitsRatio"
  * added macro {{v.c_damageRating}} and colors section "damageRating"
  * added option "onHold" to the hotkeys settings for alternative minimap and players panel mode
  * added option hangar/clock/bgImage for background image in clock
  * macros {{alive}}, {{ready}}, {{player}}, {{tk}}, {{squad}}, {{squad-num}}, {{hp-max}} works in the 
    battle loading screen