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New Features in XVM: New Efficiency Formulas for Improved Objectivity and Flexibility

It’s no secret that the efficiency formula from WoT-News has recently come under criticism from experienced players.
One of the major complaints is the ability to “game” the rating due to the large emphasis placed on cap points. The critism is especially valid due to the changes implemented by Wargaming in the beginning of 2012, where players receive cap points, even if the base is not capped to 100%.

In the process of discussing various solutions to this question on the official mod forum, XVM-stat users put forward an alternative formula that should offer a more objective measure of player skill.
WN6 (macro {{wn}}) is now available as an alternative to the classic efficiency formula. This formula has been actively developed by players from the World of Tanks North American server, a few of which are experts in statistical data analysis (Praetor77, Syndicate, crabeatoff, Neatoman, tpapp157 [discussion] ). The major difference between the formulas is the complete exclusion of cap points when calculating player ratings. Much work was also done to limit the weight of low-tier matches, making it difficult to increase personal ratings by only playing against less experienced players (“seal clubbing”).  You can learn more about the formula, comment and ask questions of the authors in this special thread on the official XVM forum.
The second new addition to rating player skill is the a formula by tourist1984, author of T-calc. This rating is displayed using the macro {{twr}}. The formula corrects for higher than normal win-rates resulting from high numbers of platooned or company matches. The author’s description:

The main component of the player skill calculation is win rate. This is then normalized using a special algorithm that accounts for average damage per vehicle, statistical reliability per vehicle (platooned and low-tier vehicles have lower reliability), and also a comparison of vehicles to each other in order to normalize tank company or platoon results in comparison to random results. For example – if a player achieves a 70% win rate in an IS-3 or KV-1C, while only achieving a 49% win-rate in similar vehicles like the IS or IS-8, the calculator will significantly adjust the player rating, lowering the affects from increased win-rate from the platooned or “companied” vehicles.

You can learn more about the formula and add your commentary in this special thread in our forum.
Both formulas are completely open for review and ready for improvements and revisions based on analysis and commentary.
You can test these few features in the next release – XVM: 3.3.2, which will be published on our site in the Download XVM section.